Girl in a jacket


Can I change colors of the theme?

You can either choose one of the predefined color variations or you can compile your own CSS file. Read more in our documentation.

Do you offer theme installation service?

If you need help with the theme installation, contact us regarding custom work, we will talk about it.

What payment gateways are implemented?

You can choose PayPal, Stripe or basic wire transfer. If you need other payment gateway, feel free to ask us for custom development.

How can I translate it to my language?

You can do it easily using translatable .pot files. Read more in our documenation.

Is it PHP 7 ready?

Yes it is. Enjoy the performance of the PHP7 version.

Are there any hidden fees?

Absolutely not. All features are included in the plugins bundled inside. You don’t need to pay for any extra third party plugins.

Is it difficult to build content like in this demo?

You don’t need to build it from scratch. You can use our One-Click installation tool to import whole demo content.

Can I define my own fields?

Yes of course. You can do it either using our field mnanager or you can follow our guide for developers in our online documentation.

Is there an online user documentation?

Yes there is. It is available at http://inventorwp.com/documentation/ and we do our best to keep our online documentation always up to date.

I don’t need some features, can I disable them?

Sure, you don’t need to use any of the included features. Just deactivate the specific plugin or switch it off in the customizer.